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Do we really feel the same?


Reading “Why women can’t have it all” by Anne-Marie Slaughter. This article reading back then to see how women challenges were being able to discuss and given such a level of appreciation. It gets to the heart of so many problems and talks that all women come through different problems at different stages in their lives. She talks about how mostly there is a battle when women try to be the best in their goals for future and while wanting to be the best for their families as well.

Slaughter also spoke that women who have tried to make it to that level while managing the family are superhuman and well off. She argues and talk about the current working culture that makes it extremely difficult for women to reach the top. While men only have to be talented to reach the top, on the other hand women have to be extremely talented and have superhuman powers and time management skills to reach that level of success. The question is this the same worry in different parts of the world?




















The “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (save girl, educate girl)” advertisement that are everywhere around have driven everyone’s attention to this wide topic. This is a program which is meant to make awareness and improve the efficiency of delivery of welfare services for girls and women in India. But is this real? Is the child still killed seeing it’s a girl? Are girls still not given a road of education? Are women still considered weak compared to men?


A recent article from an Indian Magazine drove my attention to how the safety of women is looked up to. The article read, to any girl who grew up in India, though this responsibility isn’t their It still falls first on the family. Any scene or situation that women are involved in will reflect on the family through how the society thinks and that the family let the women do such a certain job and how its result has been. It always comes to women in the end. How She should not dress provocatively. She shouldn’t stay out late. She shouldn’t travel alone after evening. Not allowed to use the public transport after sundown cause it isn’t safe! She shouldn’t stay late at work, how to not to respond to unknown people, shouldn’t take the dark road or always carry a pepper spray? How she’s expected to get a male friend home to drop her home. But then maintain happy friendly relations with the male friend, because the society would get it all to the family who is letting the girl out with male friends. Don’t drink too much. Cover up. Keep someone on the phone while you walk. Be careful. “woman, this isn’t a world worth trusting.”


Being a woman is not reflected as a privilege within some societies. Being a woman myself, I strongly feel there is often a situation where women have to go an extra mile to prove themselves beyond their limits. Women are usually judged and by default expected to be in a certain manner. How women are always being compared to them expressing themselves through appearance. Female are always a lot of times termed delicate in compared to Male and dependent on male. Cultures and societies long ago assumed the roles and the goals for women which are labeled not beyond a limit. Coming from a country where girl child is still killed as soon as she’s born, it comes out more strongly.



Dina Leygerman’s article “You Are Not Equal. I’m Sorry.” Are some strong words to women that Even if the society can see and feel of what women is capable of and can do, women still make less than a man for doing the same amount of work. How women can never get that higher position that she deserves, as a sports person, as an actress or as a doctor.

Women still not having full rights over their own body. And how Men can always have superior privileges over any field of argument. Over women’s right to prenatal care. Around women’s personal choices as well. “You still have to pay taxes for your basic sanitary needs. And one day you will actually be equal, instead of just feeling like you are.”


Women are still stereotyped on the bases of their behavior, “girls are just so moody”- “isn’t your favorite color Pink?”. Girls are tough and ready to walk along and ahead then boys. There always this question how they are appreciated of the beauty and appearance first than now how intelligent or smart they are.


“Do women really want equality? Nikita Coulombe” 

Women do behave Specific and picky about what they want to do. Women do have their own terms and rules even if they what equal rights to men. Women do expect chivalry? As she quoted “Most of us don’t want to pay half the bill on dates, we don’t want to work dirty and dangerous jobs, we don’t want to be drafted if there was a war, we don’t have to prove to a court that our children need us after divorce, and we don’t want to serve as unpaid bodyguard or be the first one to go downstairs when we hear a strange noise and luckily for us, we don’t have to!”

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