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To begin with, I think this unit was a challenge in a way where the project was very different from previous projects and tasks within the project where completely diverse. I got to experiment with being in a group of 5 developing a publication and also setting up an event about the publication, engage with an experimental task both contextually and visually and also conveying a strong message to a set audience. I am quite happy how this term has been. Its been a very exciting journey throughout the year. Moreover, this term was very interesting. I always wanted to be a Part of the publishing world. Making a publication at the very first moment was a big yes. I even enjoyed working in groups in the previous term and was so all set for this project. Knowing and understanding more about this project I realised how It can be so inspiring to make a publication with such a strong manifesto with a designated audience.


Reflecting on this unit I feel the most interesting part was how we used so many different methods that I wouldn’t use otherwise. This project has been a test I overcame and where I had so much fun researching and learning new information. Since the subject is something very unknown to me, I got to really engage with it in a way I never actually did before as I always try to choose a matter that I feel comfortable with. Along with the topic I also experimented with the design, I have never used hardbound back for any of my books before and I am always very simple on my outcomes. Whereas this publication we developed a hardbound back, had folds and belly bands and even screen printed, this project was interactive and playful. One of my favourite bits of this unit would be research. This unit not only got me to create a publication contextually and visually but also gave me an opportunity to understand to such a sensitive topic and know and learn more about it. It also made me communicate my views to the audience. The event exhibition was quite a success because of the interaction and respond between people had been motivating. As how on my report I had been talking about people reactions and take to things can vary and how they can sometimes conclude the work you’ve produced.


The Whole purpose of the publication which was to engage audience of our generation and give and take their views on migration and refugees was successfully visible.

If only I was stuck at any point during this term was for at my research about the report proposal. I really got carried away and got so broad on the the subject that the more I kept on researching is the more I got lost and confused myself more.

During the research I think I have liked the range and scope of different ways to approach the query and go further on about it to find the answer. Report rough which was a presentation about the proposal and our idea to work on it helped me a lot on this. It got me back on my track and also made me define what I was addressing art as. My topic “How does our perception affect the way that we understand art?” and “art is everywhere” was still very broad and not helping me to convey what I wanted. After the presentation I was asked to look at David crow- Visual signs. Which was very interesting and helped me a to frame and narrow down my aspects and research to the key points I was wanting to talk about.

To sum up this unit, I’d like to say that I enjoyed its’ diversity and range of different ways to approach them being it through developing a publication or engaging people with the produced outcome and seeing the respond to it through workshops and the Exhibitions which have definitely been a highlighting part for me this term. It taught me better ways to research and really engage with my interests and future with topics even if I’m not comfortable with them, along using my practice as a form to approach and really think about what are the reactions of audience and how does that make a difference to the work produced. Which can make me a more dynamic and eager thinker. 

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