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Exploring the discipline of illustration creative industries – when last year I decided to change my course and joined illustration I studied and saw a lot of work around and spoke to tutors about the best outcomes after graduation and how I’ll be able to challenge and learn new things that I’m interested from this particular course. After joining to course to now my idea of illustration has changed a lot. I was quite nervous about this field and course because of my previous practice was done different hand style. My previous study was in graphics, but during my progress in this course I realized illustration is very broad and big world that I was unaware about. This is when I designed some art work for a fashion firm and experienced world of art outside university. 


Beginning of this year my idea of achieving out of this course was how I could find myself in the work I bring out. I remember my conversation when I came to university for my entrance test and looking at my work I was been told of about having a different type of work. And was told this journey of learning in art school and coming out as a graduate will make me know myself more in a better way through art. Trying different things will make me show where my real interest lies and will find a style of work that will define my work as mine.


I have been enjoying this year more than last because its given this challenge and freedom to understand the art industry inside out using different paths that interest me.

I appreciate the different opportunities we’ve got hold of from this unit from designing a graphic novels cover to illustrating then to having to make interactive installations and interacting with course mates and working with deadlines and box full of ideas.

Illustration has given me freedom to work in different mediums which encourages me the most. In the beginning of this year I reflected on how I would like to make a film this year and try to explore and learn about films.


In future I see myself creating creative work and involving with graphics and traditional art work which this field gives me the opportunity to do both. This brings me back to the work I produced over summer that is a relevant example of how I could create work with my interest and make it commercial in the out world as well. 

In addition to this I also have been looking at Faye Moorhouse’s work, who is a young and a very successful illustrator who I followed about from social media.
Social media today is a very wide platform for us to learn and get to know about things we are interested and enthusiastic about. Social media and art blogs have really encouraged and given me a push to explore within the field and try new mediums. I have been handling art a blog where I share my daily art work, it really inspires me to cross and go limitless.

I have recently attended some gallery openings in around Norwich, attending such events has made me network with art lovers of all age and communicate about current affairs and study views of different people.

I also visited Saatchi Gallery in London during October and came across work by Henri Barande. His first UK exhibition, his art work spoke about to exploring the dialogue between life and death, the found and the fabricated, which headed to the creation of miniature forms and figures that he used as a source of material in his large-scale paintings.


On the whole, I do think that expanding my portfolio and keep track of events, articles and inspiring people is a beginning to the future. I would really want to explore and try pottery and play around around with clay, I may not enjoy it as much as I think I would and in that case, my path and ideas will definitely change in a near future.

After my graduation I’m think about starting to make contacts with people in the industry, get internships and try a range of different job positions within this application of illustration before settling down for a specific place.

Working as a freelancer or in a team of people, either way I would be happy to just work on what I love to do which is bringing joy and thought with what I create on an industry that thrives on entertaining people of all ages using storytelling as a foundation for what it stands for.

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