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This unit was really exciting because it was very different from what we had been doing in year 1, all the projects where very different and inspiring to learn more out of each in an unusual way. I enjoyed this unit completely from experimenting and illustrating covers, setting up an exhibition- engaging with other students creating work to collecting information to tell a story in a form of a film.


Reflecting on this unit I feel the most interesting part of this unit was re-story. i never thought I would be engaging with others to create an installation piece and would work with sound type and visual on the same time as well. This unit not only got me to create a narrative contextually and visually but also gave me an opportunity to communicate to the audience out of my comfort zone.


If only I was stuck at any point was during project 4, I really got carried away and pulled of by the topic I didn’t choose to continue with. I wasted a lot of time during this project. But still its been one of the most challenging projects I have done this unit and I am quite happy about it as well. It would definitely be making the film. This task represented a challenge that I overcame and where I felt so much strong emotions researching and learning new information about homeless in different ways. Because this film was about something that gets unnoticed to everyone, the ideation and concept behind the film was invisibility that really made me go deep into it. I got to really engage with it in a way I never actually did before. One more interesting part of this project was recording the narration in my own language. Though I wanted to make film longer but due to less time and not very fully skilled on the software made me very slow to achieve how much I wanted to. For this project watching films, music videos and documentaries was one of the most inspiring things. All the other video would inspire and push me to do and try something that would help me narrate the story I am trying to say better. Fact project was surely out of my comfort zone and that made this project more interesting to involve with from where I began to genuinely get into my topic and expressing to see development and progress.


Along this unit, I think I have liked the range and scope of different ways to approach storytelling being it fiction or fact. It has shown me better ways to explore and really involve within my interests next time, the progress from this unit to approach and really think about what is important to me and why does it matter. Making me a more active and ready to explore.


This unit also has been very interesting with the lectures and workshops. There have been really broad covering of illustration topics that I didn’t think of. One thing I was really interested by was the coding lecture. I have also enjoyed the life drawing workshops, they give me confidence and a chance to improve my drawing skills with seeing objects with a perspective of their relation to others.


Few things that I need to work on is being open to the brief that I can go off independently and tackle the brief and topic in anyway that I see fit, and can expose issues and explore ideologies. This is something I need to improve on, to learn how to think of the most possibilities.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this project. It was interesting to jump into a different part of me, and to wholly experience that imaginative side of what could’ve been. It helped to open up a part of me that I felt I often suppress in the art world, which is my love for information, research and knowledge, and I now hope to use these elements more in my future works. I often read and follow a lot of bloggers and it gets enjoyable to be able to implement those inspirations within my work. I personally would love to have had longer on this unit, to see what else I could learn, discover and achieve.

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